The Latest TEIS News
January 9, 2025
Supporting Sibling Relationships in Early Intervention Families Did you know that supporting sibling bonds can make a huge difference for families with a child in early […]
December 7, 2024
Age-Appropriate Holiday Gifts for Toddlers With a Focus on Developmental Milestones Looking for the perfect holiday gifts for toddlers between 0-3 years of age? Focus on […]
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November 8, 2024
The Impact of Sensory Processing Disorder in Early Childhood Problems with sensory processing can affect children at a young age. Sensory processing is the way children […]
October 8, 2024
The Influence of Early Intervention on Academic Success Early intervention offers a range of services to support young children who are at risk of developmental delays […]
September 9, 2024
Reading to your baby is a rewarding experience. It's not only great for bonding, but it also lays the foundation for your child’s cognitive and emotional development. When it comes to starting the habit of reading, the answer is simple: it's never too early.
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August 9, 2024
Reading to your baby is a rewarding experience. It's not only great for bonding, but it also lays the foundation for your child’s cognitive and emotional development. When it comes to starting the habit of reading, the answer is simple: it's never too early.
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July 8, 2024
Reading to your baby is a rewarding experience. It's not only great for bonding, but it also lays the foundation for your child’s cognitive and emotional development. When it comes to starting the habit of reading, the answer is simple: it's never too early.
June 10, 2024
Reading to your baby is a rewarding experience. It's not only great for bonding, but it also lays the foundation for your child’s cognitive and emotional development. When it comes to starting the habit of reading, the answer is simple: it's never too early.
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May 10, 2024
Parents of children with developmental delays may prioritize their child's needs above all else. They devote endless time and energy to helping their children navigate the world, often to the point of overshadowing their own needs. Stress and burnout are the result.
April 11, 2024
As winter loosens its grip, spring brings warmer weather, blossoming flowers, and the lush green of new leaves. However, this seasonal transformation brings a less welcome guest: seasonal allergies.
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March 11, 2024
As winter loosens its grip, spring brings warmer weather, blossoming flowers, and the lush green of new leaves. However, this seasonal transformation brings a less welcome guest: seasonal allergies.
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February 19, 2024
Get the Answers You Need Now! Babies and toddlers often cry, scream, or engage in temper tantrums. Why and what to do about it may not […]
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February 6, 2024
Navigating the grocery store with a toddler in tow can feel more like steering a ship through stormy seas than a simple shopping trip. One moment, the waters are calm, and your little one is happily babbling away. The next, you're facing a full-blown meltdown because you said no to a candy bar. It's a scenario many parents know all too well, underscored by the pressure of judgmental stares from other shoppers and the personal frustration of managing a public tantrum.
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January 11, 2024
The holiday season, while exciting, can present unique challenges when traveling with toddlers. The question is how to manage journeys far and wide, to family’s and friends’ homes and to various holiday events without overwhelming your young ones.
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December 11, 2023
The holiday season, while exciting, can present unique challenges when traveling with toddlers. The question is how to manage journeys far and wide, to family’s and friends’ homes and to various holiday events without overwhelming your young ones.
November 8, 2023
Dealing with a picky eater is a struggle faced by many parents. It's a phase marked by a toddler’s wrinkled nose and refusal to eat anything green or anything that isn't a staple in their limited menu. When all they will eat is bologna and ketchup sandwiches, it’s time to try something new!
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October 6, 2023
Introducing solid foods to your baby represents an exciting and crucial milestone in their development. As parents transition from exclusively breastfeeding or bottle-feeding, the question often arises: When and how should solids be introduced?
September 6, 2023
A child’s early years are critical to their growth. They not only develop in terms of height and weight but make progress across a wide range of childhood milestones like brain and motor development, digestive system maturation, heart and lung growth, and more.
August 7, 2023
As parents, observing our children grow and develop is an exciting journey. The period between 18 and 24 months, in particular, is a fascinating time. This is when your little ones begin to make sense of the world in more complex ways.
July 7, 2023
As parents, observing our children grow and develop is an exciting journey. The period between 18 and 24 months, in particular, is a fascinating time. This is when your little ones begin to make sense of the world in more complex ways.
June 9, 2023
As parents, observing our children grow and develop is an exciting journey. The period between 18 and 24 months, in particular, is a fascinating time. This is when your little ones begin to make sense of the world in more complex ways.
May 3, 2023
After your child’s first year, developmental milestones happen fast. Many children take their first steps between 13 and 15 months, and by 18 months most are walking independently.
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April 12, 2023
Social-emotional development is all about how we understand, manage, and express emotions. It includes things like self-awareness, interacting and communicating with others, motivation, and empathy.
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March 6, 2023
When the weather is bright and clear and not too cold, getting outside can be important. Fresh air, sunlight, and outdoor activity are great for improving mood and concentration, while also leading to better sleep. Being outside in sunlight also helps in the production of vitamin D.
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February 9, 2023
When the weather is bright and clear and not too cold, getting outside can be important. Fresh air, sunlight, and outdoor activity are great for improving mood and concentration, while also leading to better sleep. Being outside in sunlight also helps in the production of vitamin D.
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January 9, 2023
New Year’s Goals for Toddlers Setting Simple Goals for Younger Children On the first of each January, we make resolutions and set goals for personal improvements […]
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December 13, 2022
Celebrating Builds Togetherness and Lifetime Memories Last month, we took a look at How Holiday Stress Affects Children, but it’s fair to say that holidays also […]
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November 10, 2022
How Holiday Stress Affects Children And How You Can Help We all deal with stress differently, but one thing is certain, as we approach the holidays, […]
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October 7, 2022
When Do Children Develop Self Control? What Should the Parents of Toddlers Expect? All parents are familiar with the drama of an upset child, especially when […]
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September 12, 2022
Social Emotional Development in Early Learning Improving Attitudes and Promoting Positive Behavior Did you know that children with good Social Emotional Learning (SEL) skills are: Better […]
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