A TEIS occupational therapist can help your child develop a healthy relationship with food, making mealtimes more enjoyable for your entire family.
Does your child exhibit any of the following?
- eats 20 foods or less
- limits those foods to around 2-10 accepted foods
- eats the same food every day for several weeks and then stops and never eats it again (food jag)
- has “safe foods”
- cries and tantrums when he/she is presented with a new food
- gags or vomits when shown or tries to eat certain foods
- avoids touch or taste of certain foods
- refuses categories of food because of texture or color
- needs a routine around food
- does not eat a new food after typically 10 exposures
- has very long meal times
If this is your child, how do you distinguish between picky and a problem eater?
The biggest difference between a “picky eater” and a child with a feeding problem is …
- the child with the feeding problem’s growth and development is being affected by their limited diet and refusal of foods.
- A child with a feeding problem does not have a varied diet and has completely ruled out many of the food groups from their intake.
- A child with a feeding problem might exhibit physiologic reactions to the sight, smell, and taste of foods including retching, gagging, vomiting, flushed face, increased agitation, or anxiety as well.
TEIS therapists will
- work with you to develop strategies that will fit into your family’s mealtime routines.
- use a positive approach to feeding that is focused on creating a healthy, life long relationship with food.
- help your child to develop the strength and coordination in using the small muscles around the mouth, in order to manage food.
- address difficulty with food textures, as well as make sure the body and brain are in an organized state for mealtime