My son speaks clearly and learns more daily and he’s very vocal!
Julie’s warm personality, patience and her ability to easily connect with my son made therapy a breeze. She was amazing with Aidan and he loved her. Julie is phenomenal.
I am delighted that my child has been able to communicate more and use more and more words AND hope that in the near future he will be able to continue to advance. He went from a very small delay to being slightly ahead. We miss you Julie! XXXOO
Questions about Speech Therapy? Read our FAQs.
Does My Child Need Speech Therapy?
The Speech Language Therapist or Speech Language Pathologist (SLP) helps children to increase their communication skills. Your SLP assists families with children who show significant language delay, hearing loss, need help with receptive language, or who are having difficulty producing speech sounds. A speech therapist may also work with children who have oral-motor or feeding issues. They can help with the coordination of breathing, chewing, and swallowing. Speech therapists can also assist in the transition from tube-feedings to oral feedings.
Speech Therapy for Children from 0-3 Years Old
At TEIS, our focus is on early intervention for children from 0-3 years old. Speech therapy is about more than words, involving the mechanical components of respiration, articulation, resonance, and voice. Your Speech Language Therapist is familiar with the relationship between play and language development, as well as techniques to stimulate language development. Your SLP is there to support you as a parent too, so that you can better help your child participate in all the activities and routines of daily life.