At this playgroup session, the children enjoyed playing with oatmeal in the sensory table. They loved driving cars through it and using cups to scoop and […]
I’ve been having some issues with my 8 year-old daughter. She’s having distraction problems in school and now is getting worse because she’s keeping things from […]
By 30 Months, most toddlers can: Fold paper in half Imitate simple pencil markings, such as a cross Build a tower up to 8 cubes Understand common dangers, […]
At 20 – 24 months, your toddler’s fine motor skills will be refining. Your toddler is able to make circular scribbles and imitate vertical lines. Crayons […]
As a part of Early Intervention, your child may be evaluated for his or her visual functioning. Tests help to determine a diagnosis and appraisal of […]
Understanding the Different Members of an Early Intervention Treatment Team Here is a list of the different professionals who might be called upon to help your […]
Walkers, Exersaucers & Jumpers: Is There an Impact on a Baby’s Development? More and more baby “exercise equipment” becomes available to parents every year and often […]
Developing New Eating Habits When you adopt a child, there is usually an adjustment period as the child gets used to their new surroundings. If you […]
Steps to Help an Adoptive Child Develop Healthy Attachments While adoption has a positive effect on children, the child doesn’t know this when he or she […]
Between the ages of about seven and nine months, your baby will probably start getting into a hands-and-knees position for crawling. Even before he actually starts […]
At birth, babies have very little control of their arms and hands. They usually wave their arms randomly and keep their hands in a fisted position. […]