Hugging the Germs Away

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Hugging the Germs Away

Who would have thought, but researchers out of CMU have come across some information that will make you hug the next person you see! And it all makes sense…think about this…

In a recent article the research team has shared that basically, hugs decrease the amount of stress a person is feeling. What does a hug provide? Physical touch, a sense of support and intimacy. What is your first reaction when you see a friend crying? Many people offer a hug! It’s in our nature, and it’s meant to make the friend feel better, therefore hugs decrease their stress level and INCREASE the amount of support that they are feeling. This all makes sense, and makes me want a good hug! Especially when my kids are calling my name over and over from the back seat, the phone is vibrating, and I missed the green light! You all know the feeling.

The even MORE interesting part is that by shedding some of that stress and conflict from your life with the ease of a hug is actually leading to a person being able to fight off germs better, and get sick less often! Now, I don’t know about you, but in the winter days of boogie wiping and germs everywhere, I’m game for any idea on how to be less icky!

They say that people who are less stressed are less likely to become sick, and people who have more stress have a harder time fighting off those nasty germs…that makes sense, as well! Put it all together and BAM! You’ve got hugs decreasing illness!

Lucky for all of us, we live in a world full of little arms that are willing to pick us up when we fall and wrap around our necks with a loving squeeze any time we want. And many times that we are busy with the hustle and bustle of life…those little arms connect to little voices that request OUR hugs. So do it! Hug away those germs!

Does this make sense to you? What other benefits can a hug provide…and where can I get one right now??!!

Comment on our blog and share your thoughts on this new research!