You might pass a billboard with an upside-down can of Coca-Cola on it with the word yoga underneath, or see an advertisement for pretzels claiming that […]
How to Encourage Waiting Before you get upset with your toddler’s impatience, remember that your child isn’t emotionally or socially ready to understand the concept of […]
Tummy Time in the First 3 Weeks We have all heard about the importance of tummy time; increased vestibular input, respiratory benefits, digestive benefits and strength […]
Most children are not ready for toilet training until at least 2 years old. The physical development that allows for bowel and bladder control, occurs around […]
Opening the front door, pulling the plug in the bathtub, washing hands for dinner, turning the television off, having the blue cup, getting to cuddle with […]
In Early Intervention we see many children with delays in speech & language skills. The American Academy of Family Physicians states that 3-10% of all children […]
Most parents have the best intentions when they bring home a new baby and obviously every family has a unique home situation. First time parents may […]
As a pediatric physical therapist for many years, I keep returning to the idea that posture, alignment and positioning are crucial for helping all children develop […]
In today’s age of electronic everything, it’s rare to have a truly quiet moment. A child’s ‘down time’ is frequently spent with the television on or […]
The Importance of Crawling Most babies learn to crawl sometime between the ages of 6-10 months. Some children bypass crawling and go straight to walking, […]
“He’s a biter”. I’ve overheard daycare workers utter this phrase with disdain and judgment over and over. Biting remains one of the most socially taboo topics […]
Your toddler’s attention span is usually dependent upon developmental age. If you have unrealistic expectations of your toddler’s attention span, it can often lead to temper […]
The most important keys to successful behavior management are consistency and repetition. Stick to whatever rules you make all the time. Know that the rules will […]
In 1993, the National Institute of Health made a recommendation that all babies have their hearing tested between birth and three months of age. By 1999, […]
Development of Oral Motor & Oral Sensory Skills Early development of oral motor and oral sensory skills is critical to reaching many childhood milestones. The oral […]