First Snow

Feeding Ninja Turtles
November 14, 2014
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What is Williams Syndrome?
November 18, 2014
Feeding Ninja Turtles
November 14, 2014
williams syndrome
What is Williams Syndrome?
November 18, 2014
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First Snow

At the end of last week, we here in Pittsburgh had our first snowflakes. Picking up the girls as they walked down the path from their school, the look of pure JOY on their faces was AWESOME! Looking towards the sky with their little tongues hanging out to catch a snowflake, hands open and up to feel them as they slowly drifted on down on their faces and hands, I almost felt BAD to be picking them up. Maybe I should let them happily walk home! I was just trying to keep them warm! Once they realized that I was waiting – which doesn’t normally happen – they ran to tell me the news: “MOM! IT’S SNOWING!” They spun around in circles!

I’m sure we will blog more about winter and snow…the dreaded digging out after a big snowfall, the frozen pipes or cars that won’t start, the ice on the windows, and the shoveling, shoveling shoveling! The bundling of kids just to go two blocks…missing gloves, scarves, hats, boots, snow pants, coats that they’ve outgrown.

But for now, I am choosing to think like the kids…and celebrate the wonder of the first snowfall!165117_1835015199167_6476839_n